More Than 26+
Years Experience

Having over 26 years within the yachting industry, we take pride in our ability to surpass our clients’ expectations through our proven yacht management solutions. Our mission is to provide clients and brokers with a peace of mind that comes with knowing your yacht is in good hands. Whether you are interested in maintenance, repairs, or any other type of yacht service, we are confident that we can provide you with the expertise and support that you need.

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what Our clients say

Ben is a great captain with a wealth of experience.  He has an incredible mechanical knowledge and is very proactive when it comes to heading off repairs before they become costly.  He is often able to diagnose problems without always calling in 3rd party outside contract help.  He is personable and interacts well with people and doesn’t compromise when it comes to quality as he has a very high standard of excellence.  I can attest to the fact that you can’t go wrong hiring Ben Wright

T. Eggemeye
“Off the Grid”

“Many thanks to BEN & his management team for his diligence in taking such good care of our family boat. He always looked out for us, giving us choices, & leading us to make the right decision, often saving money by doing preemptive maintenance. But what we really appreciated was that he, & only he, managed the crew; handling personality issues & other crises. In other words, BEN handled everything, giving us only good times. Many thanks to “Team Wrightson”!

The Agley's

“Wrightson Marine is a fantastic company! I had the wonderful pleasure of using the services of Wrightson Marine for the past 12 months. Ben, Theresa, Wyatt and Juan are truly the hardest working team I have been associated with, providing excellent service and extremely useful advice. Ben always answered or returned my phone calls within minutes and he has never let me down. Theresa is amazingly efficient and provides excellent accounting and backup information. My only regret is that they haven’t followed me out the Pacific Northwest. I highly recommend Wrightson Marine if you want top-notched, friendly and efficient service!”

"OA 70e"